Article from the field: News
The Deacons in Brazil
“If it is God’s will, a single man can move the whole world”. (Deacon João Luiz Pozzobon)
More …Witness on the Ministry of Sexual Diversity
On the 21st of August 2020 I celebrated the 15th anniversary of my diaconal ordination. My motto as a deacon is Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20,22)”, a motto which I adopted thinking that God is freely giving his Holy Spirit, the gifts and the charisms thereof, to the whole of humanity, throughout the world, in all circumstances, even if we do not see it, even if it is in culturs or languages which we do not know.
More …The Deacons in Chile
Our delegate Miguel Ángel Herrera Parra describes the situation of deacons in Chile, their numbers, their mission and current challenges.
More …The so-called “Crisis of Diaconal Identity”
As a permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile, ordained more than eighteen years ago, incardinated in the parish San Alberto Hurtado of Peñalolén, in the Eastern Zone of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile and as a married man (with my wife Sary) and father of three daughters (Sarita, Pía and Paz), I would like to reflect on the following: The threefold manner is still valid and nobody changed it; that is to say, we deacons must still exercise the ministry of the Word, of Liturgy and of Charity.
Reflections by our delegate Miguel Ángel Herrera Parra
More …The situation of the permanent diaconate in (Southern) Africa
The South African situation is anomalous when compared to the rest of the continent, as 58% of all permanent deacons in Africa are to be found in this one country. Namibia is the country with the next highest number of deacons, with 49 ordained men. The numbers then shrink considerably, with some countries having 1 or 3 permanent deacons, and many having none, implying that the permanent diaconate has not been restored in these local churches.
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