Blog News Act of Consecration…


Pope Francis: Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

On March 25, 2022, looking at war in the world, especially in Ukraine, Pope Francis asked us to turn and ask Our Lady for her help.

Therefore, O Mother, hear our prayer.
Star of the Sea, do not let us be shipwrecked in the tempest of war.
Ark of the New Covenant, inspire projects and paths of reconciliation.
Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to the world.
Eliminate hatred and the thirst for revenge, and teach us forgiveness.
Free us from war, protect our world from the menace of nuclear weapons.
Queen of the Rosary, make us realize our need to pray and to love.
Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of fraternity.
Queen of Peace, obtain peace for our world.

The full prayer

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