Diakonia Prize Pro Diaconia: Implementation, evaluation criteria
The Pro Diaconia Prize of the IDC / Diaconia Christi Internationalis Foundation supports and promotes diaconal awareness. It is meant for projects from ministerial and diaconal field which are promoted by deacons or groups having a diaconal commitment. The prize aims to increase the visibility of exceptional diaconal initiatives.
The prize will be awarded every three years by Bishop Gebhard Fürst, Protector of the IDC. The first edition of the prize was awarded in 2015 in Rome on the Occasion of the IDC Jubilee. The prize amounts are 3.000, 2.000 and 1.000 Euro respectively.
Implementation, Evaluation Criteria
- Each delegate may submit up to three diaconal Projects from his / her Region (Country, cross-border region). The prize rewards best practice; the submitted Projects must be already underway.
- One or more deacons must take part in the Project.
- The Project description must not exceed three pages. The text should contain the following:
- Aims and target Group of the project
- Benefiting town / region
- Group or volunteers carrying out the project
- Timeline; evaluation draft
- Support by / Integration in the parish community, organisations, local networking
The project should be an exemplary one and motivate others to do the same. it should be original and open new perspectives.
Projects can be submitted only by delegates and board members of IDC. The Jury will then consider the submitted Projects and evaluate them. Before a Project can be awarded the prize, it must be confirmed as deserving the prize by either the local Bishop or a charity or the International Church Affairs Department of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. the Money corresponding to the prize must be used for the purpose of the project.
The Jury consists of five persons:
- Marie Maincent-Hanquez, FR – IDZ
- Gilbert de Lima, IN – IDZ
- Alberto Magno Carvalho de Melo, BRA – IDZ
- Stefan Sander, GER – DCI
- Erik Thouet, GER – DCI