Marriage Project of Deacon Dr. László Gorove and Mrs. Krisztina Gorove Wins Prize
There was great joy among the winners of the Pro Diaconia Prize 2015 which was awarded during the 5o year’s jubilee celebration of the International Diaconate Centre which took place in Rome.
Four selected diaconal projects from Cuba, Spain, India and Hungary were distinguished during the celebration. The 1st prize went to the diaconal couple László and Krisztina Gorove from Hungary. The Goroves have been married for 34 years, have 5 grown children and 6 grandchildren. They live in Budapest, Hungary. Krisztina (age 55) is a high school teacher, László (age 58) is a physician and was ordained in 1993 as one of the first permanent deacons in Hungary. Their project triggered and authentic snowball effect and brought an important contribution to marriage and family ministry in Hungary. In the marriage preparation some married couples were also invited to get involved in order to enable a good combination of theology and practice. The divorce rate among these couples is only 4%! The project started in Hungary, but meanwhile it has grown to include several weekend courses in Germany, Austria, Romania, Serbia, Ireland, Malta and Finland. Some of the couples who took part in the various courses have made up a community led by the Goroves. The community now numbers 54 couples, who collaborate in various forms of preparation and in weekend programmes.
The other projects which were awarded prizes take place in the fields of health prevention work in poor neighbourhoods and of support for Roma people as well as people marginalised by our society. Deacon Germán Agustí from Gavá, Barcelona/Spain is trying, in his social diaconal project to improve the life conditions of especially Roma people. Deacon Fulgencio Palacio Bonachea from the Archdiocese of Camagüe, Cuba tries to ensure financial help and the purchase of the necessary food for weekly catechesis meetings of extremely poor and needy people; many of them live in the countryside and have no connection to the urban amenities. The Deacons of the Archdiocese of Mumbai, India are commited to ensuring health prevention and assistance in the Mumbai slums. Together with Fr. Rocky Banz in charge of the “Health Promotion Project” of the diocese they won one of the three 2nd prizes.