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Titled “The Changing Face of the Diaconate in a Changing World”, the International Study Conference and the General Assembly of the IDC will take place from September 15 to 18 2021. Both are realized as a “virtual event”, i.e. as an online conference. Here you will find all the necessary information.
More …How do deacons respond to ecological, economic, cultural, social and health crises in the world today?
More …The IDC strives towards the internationalisation and, at the same time, towards the regionalisation of its work. Many regions have established themselves outside the German-speaking area.
Over 200 participants in the IDC Study Conference in Lourdes coming from all continents and from 30 nations took inspiration from the site and its spirituality as well as from the conference topic “Salvation and Healing in a Diaconal Church” More …