Blog Pro Diaconia Prize Bishop Gebhard Fürst,…


An international jury will award the prize every three years

On the occasion of the IDC’s 50th anniversary, Bishop Gebhard Fürst will for the first time award the Pro Diaconia Prize. Together with the Diaconia Christi Internationalis foundation, the IDC will evaluate projects from all over the world and award three money prizes.

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On the occasion of the IDC’s 50th anniversary Gebhard Fürst, Bishop of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and Protector of the IDC, will endow the Pro Diaconia Prize. In the future he will he will award this prize every three years.

In cooperation with the Diaconia Christi Internationalis foundation, which has been promoting solidarity action for the good of the underprivileged since 2002, the IDC will honour three projects. In the projects considered, deacons show commitment for people within their sphere of action whose dignity was violated or should be protected. Together with people from parishes or social institutions, they get .involved in a creative and at the same time inspiring fashion in favour of people in need

Public voting will also be a part of the decision concerning the prizes. The projects will be presented on our website where you can also vote.

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