Contact Masthead


Internationales Diakonatszentrum (IDZ)

Diakon Jörg Stein
Postfach 9
Bischof-von-Keppler-Straße 11
D-72101 Rottenburg

Tel: +49 (0)7472 169 377

E-Mail: E-Mail schreiben, E-Mail schreiben

Responsible for the content of this site according to § 5 TMG is: Dr. Stefan Sander

Disclaimer: Despite having carefully controlled the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. For the contents of the linked pages only their administrators are solely responsible.

We use the “Piwik” statistic tool : ein:

Privacy Policy

Images and Graphics:

Alberto Magno Carvalho de Melo
Bernardo Figueredo
Caritas Internationalis
Eric Cooney
Francis Bollinger
Frank Strock
Franz Ferstl
J. Wiedemann, Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
John Donaghy
John Donargy
Jorge Grijalva Salazar
Joseph Michalak
Juan Dogerty
Lorman, Jaroslav
Marie Maincent
Mark Woods
Martin Brunner
Martin Brunner, Schweiz
Martin Brunner-Artho
Michael Freitag
Mike Carroll
Monsignor Domingo
Montserrat Martinez
Nelleke Wijngaard-Serrarens, Vorsitzende der Jury
Nick Kerr
Sander, Stefan
Simon Chan
Stephen Pitre
U. Renz
Uwe Renz

Donate designed by Wilson Joseph from the Noun Project

Concept & Realization:

Weitblick Internetwerkstatt
Kielkamp 35, D-22761 Hamburg


Ari Gröbke Design